Design Methodology: Cadence RF SiP

Design Methodology: Cadence RF SiP
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This RF SiP Methodology Kit from Cadence provides a complete SiP (system-in-package) development platform for adopting and implementing advanced package design techniques for mixed-signal SiPs. It guides researchers through the latest proven methodologies for RF and mixed-signal SiP designs, and incorporates reference designs, complete how-to tutorials, and best practices.

The kit:

  • Integrates with Cadence Encounter digital and Virtuoso RF/analog design technologies
  • Creates integration flow from Virtuoso Analog Design Environment to package-level SiP design
  • Guides new users through complete how-to tutorials
  • Performs virtual prototyping, interconnect exploration, analysis, and modeling
  • Implements package place-and-route, optimization, validation, and tapeout
  • Manages inductor synthesis and passive component modeling
  • Provides fast, high-capacity simulation for multi-gigahertz digital analysis
  • Enables topology editing and solution space exploration
  • Provides hierarchical constraint management
  • Supports bi-directional ECO and LVS flow for full co-design implementation
  • Performs system-level functional, performance, and closed-loop verification


Licensing Requirements or Restrictions

This kit should be installed in the Supported Technology Configuration (STC) environment supported by CMC. Only administrators of the STC disk at CMC's member universities may obtain the design kit from CMC's SFTP server, and install the kit at their university.

Only faculty members may request access to this kit. Cadence requires several agreements to be signed before a university can get access to this leading-edge product. CMC’s licensing administrator will be your contact for all licensing matters to make the process as easy as possible. The license will apply to that faculty member and the students he/she supervises. Students interested in the kit should contact their faculty supervisors. Once a faculty member is licensed for the kit, CMC's licensing administrator will inform the system administrator of CMC's Supported Technology Configuration (STC) at that university. The STC administrator will then be responsible for ensuring that the kit is installed and for providing each licensed faculty member and his/her students with access to the kit. CMC has distributed a Product and Service Announcement to inform STC administrators how to download and install the RF SiP kit, available through CMC's secure FTP server.

For access, contact our Licensing Administrator at or 613-530-4787.

Acknowledging CMC

If your research benefits from products and services provided by CMC Microsystems, please acknowledge this support in any publications about your work. For more information, please visit Acknowledge CMC.