Design Kit: TSMC 65 nm CMOS GP - CRN65GP

Design Kit: TSMC 65 nm CMOS GP - CRN65GP
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This TSMC 65nm GP CMOS technology (CRN65GP) is a mixed-signal/RF 1P9M low-power process configured for 1.0/2.5V and ultra-thick (34kA) top metal options.

CMC is offering access to this 65nm CMOS through TSMC's shuttle service. The technology flavor is RF/mixed-signal process which is suitable for:

  • RF/mixed-signal designs
  • High-speed digital circuits

Potential applications include:

  • RF, microwave systems
  • Optical communication systems

Licensing Requirements or Restrictions

  • All CMC Subscribers are authorized to access this technology. Contact the Licensing Administrator at or 613-530-4787 for more information.

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