Design Kit: Cadence Analog/Mixed Signal Design Methodology and Training Kit

Design Kit: Cadence Analog/Mixed Signal Design Methodology and Training Kit
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This collection of modules is intended to guide designers through various tasks for modern mixed-signal, analog-on-top designs. The modules combine design
methodology with application guidance, to help integrate those tasks with the software.

The materials included in this kit are:

  • A complete design flow chart covering the process from architectural design to final export of mixed signal designs
  • Documentation covering the conceptual and practical implementation of each methodology step, based on the Cadence design environment
  • Scripts for setting up your Cadence design environment (Cadence tools available separately)
  • A fully characterized general process design kit (GPDK) based on the 45nm CMOS technology node
  • A fully developed SAR ADC reference design utilized for all modules, and created in the GPDK 45nm process.
  • Over 400 pages of documentation covering general concepts to step by step implementation of the complete flow utilizing the aforementioned reference design and GPDK

The kit itself covers fundamentals of analog/mixed signal design, such as:

  • Functional Verification
  • Floorplanning
  • Design Capture and Simulation
  • Analog Layout
  • Digital Block Implementation
  • Physical Verification
  • IP Packaging

Licensing Requirements or Restrictions

You are required to have a usage agreement signed by your authorized university signatory. The agreement can be downloaded by clicking the button Download Agreement at top of the page. The signed agreement is to be sent to Linda Dougherty and Jennifer Draper.

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